Friday, 25 January 2008

Writing Revived

I have been wanting to start blogging for a long time , the principal reason being a fear of losing what little writing skills I happen to have….i realise that it has been almost a decade since I’ve stopped writing school essays and compositions and the only kind of writing that I seem to have been doing is exam answers or e-mails….the first, I am hopeless at, and the second, I do rarely and in brief…

Growing up in an age where the need for written communication has greatly been reduced (right from my childhood when the telephone was a modest landline instrument in which you poked your finger into the holes and rotated the dial, to the omnipresent mobile phones which are not merely phones but also radios, cameras, alarms, digital organisers and so much more rolled into one….), you hardly have the need to write anyone letters…I don’t remember when was the last time I stepped into a post office…

Though I do write e-mails, I wonder if it can be called writing, in the actual sense of the word…I think if anyone two generations earlier was asked to read them, they would dismiss it off as meaningless, or think that you would have failed your spelling and grammar lessons in school miserably…all words seem to have a truncated form, and we don’t even seem to have the time and patience to say ‘thanks’or ‘regards’…they have become thnx,(or even tx), and rgds…even ‘you’ has been reduced to ‘u’…u send msgs to ur frnds to wish them b’day, gud nite, gud morn, and they say thx cos they don’t hav time 4 anythin more…u wanna meet 2morw and ur frd says v’ll c abt tht…

Phew…since the likes of above have become perfectly acceptable language , I thought I would really indulge in some writing, before I forget my spellings in good old ‘Queen’s English’ ! I hope to make frequent attempts to pen down( did I say pen? Make it MS Word !) my thoughts, experiences or anything else that catches my fancy…in the hope of salvaging my language and improving my writing skills…