maybe i decided to take a break from days of moping around and doing nothing, or maybe the shifting-of-the-saturn did really have an effect on my essentially indian psyche -
whatever be the reason, i had a sudden inspiration to bake some muffins. after a couple of not-so-successful attempts at eggless baking, i had given my experiments a rest for sometime (some = long).
muffins had been on my agenda for a long time (for the uninitiated - muffins are a humble variant of cupcakes, commonly had as a breakfast food in the US, the most common variants having chocolate chips, blueberries, or nuts), and since i like them a lot, had wanted to try out an eggless version at home - especially since k is a staunch ovo-abstainer !
i decide to give up searches for a direct eggless recipe - instead picked a simple recipe from here - and just substituted each egg with 2 Tbs. water + 1 Tbs. oil + ½ tsp. baking powder.
the recipe also calls for brown sugar, but since i didnt have it on hand, i just used regular sugar all the way...
the muffins came out really well - they were really soft and rose well, inspite of being eggless - sweet surprise indeed :)
an added bonus was the lovely aroma that filled the house as they were getting baked... mmmm !

whatever be the reason, i had a sudden inspiration to bake some muffins. after a couple of not-so-successful attempts at eggless baking, i had given my experiments a rest for sometime (some = long).
muffins had been on my agenda for a long time (for the uninitiated - muffins are a humble variant of cupcakes, commonly had as a breakfast food in the US, the most common variants having chocolate chips, blueberries, or nuts), and since i like them a lot, had wanted to try out an eggless version at home - especially since k is a staunch ovo-abstainer !
i decide to give up searches for a direct eggless recipe - instead picked a simple recipe from here - and just substituted each egg with 2 Tbs. water + 1 Tbs. oil + ½ tsp. baking powder.
the recipe also calls for brown sugar, but since i didnt have it on hand, i just used regular sugar all the way...
the muffins came out really well - they were really soft and rose well, inspite of being eggless - sweet surprise indeed :)
an added bonus was the lovely aroma that filled the house as they were getting baked... mmmm !