Tuesday, 27 March 2012

d-i-y chrome themes !

i'm a big fan of words like 'personalise' , 'customise' etc. more so if it doesnt cost you a cent :)  if i can take something and give a tweak here and twist there, it makes me really happy. and so, when google came up with this option of customising your own chrome theme, i was knee deep into it immediately :) just one more reason for me to love google and its products !

here are the themes that i've been coming up with so far :

Toms River

Not Your Type

Teal Damask

Cherry Blossoms


Tuesday, 20 March 2012

you know how they say happiness comes in small packages - i belong to that school of thought. most of the time, its the smallest of things which make me instantly cheer up and feel happy.

this was one of those instances. i was out to pick up some medication in the street corner drugstore, when i found this charming little flower pot on sale for $1.50 . i have a big soft corner in my heart for any pottery in blue, and the price tag no doubt added to my delight. it was a precious little thing, about 4 in. in diameter at the top, and i knew it was just calling out my name the moment i saw it :)

i picked it up, and found some flowers in the bushes around my home on the way back. it looks so perfect, and gives me that little pop of joy every time i see it on the table.

yes, my happiness comes from the simplest things. i guess i could never say that enough.

Sunday, 18 March 2012

Chronolgy of Jane Austen's life and works

i had taken out one of jane austen's books from the library, and found this chronology of jane austen in the first few pages... in addition to her life and works, this lists out significant events in english literature and world history at the same time...

i took pictures of the pages, and they havent turned out all that well, but still i hope good enough to read for anyone who might be interested in jane austen and her contemporaries, in this age of harry potter and twilight  !

(click on the pics to enlarge)

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Monday, 5 March 2012

old indian ad for Lux soap - starring Hema,the dream girl !

sometime back a conversation with a friend happened to ramble into the popular brands we had seen, growing up in india in the 80s...
who doesnt love a trip down memory lane ?

 i was so pleased, when i stumbled upon, in the course of my usual aimless googling, this old ad copy of lux soap...

every major bollywood actress would have been associated with the lux brand at some point in her career... this one features the charming, beautiful hemamalini - the dream girl  :)

old indian ads, lux soap, lux ad, Hema, hemamalini, Hema Malini, bollywood ads

i love old ads, i wish i could create a repository of them scanned from old magazines... maybe someday make some big prints out of them too... that would make cool retro art... :)  (remember the vintage french poster prints in monica's apartment from 'friends' ? )

(image source - from here )