Monday, 29 October 2012

mundane monday - # 3

anyone who knows me well knows that i have a big crush on ikea :)

so its only natural that my 'props' from ikea should figure in the mundane mondays sooner or later... this week it is the set of 'kalas' kids bowls. though these plastic bowls are meant for kids, they add such a cheerful burst of colour that you can be excused for having them even if you dont have kids around :)

i knew the kalas bowls would make a good subject and it had been on my mind for a long time now, and finally got down to it this week. i just placed them on my window sill just as the light was fading towards the end of the day. i have got surprisingly good results many times from such end-of-the-day light, more than the bright sunshine in the afternoons. i placed a translucent white sheet behind the bowls which diffused the light as well as hid the insect screen in the window. the results were so nice that it needed no retouching, it just looked beautiful as such.

the light coming through the bowls gives them a nice pearly glow and the white background just makes the colours pop all the more, doesnt it ?

From mundane monday

Thursday, 25 October 2012

fall flavours - chai spice shortbread cookies...


days getting shorter..

leaves turning...

temperatures dipping...

soft autumn rains falling...

its such a beautiful time of the year... i think autumn brings out a yearning in everyone for earthy tones and warm spices...

i tried making some chai-spice shortbread and its just a medley of flavours in your mouth... 

chai spice cookies, tea masala biscuits

i love shortbread since its a very basic and versatile canvas to start with and you can make easy modifications to suit your taste. you can see the chocolate dipped shortbreads i make earlier, here.

this time i took the shortbread dough (1 cup all-purpose flour/maida, 1/2 cup butter, 1/4 cup sugar) and added a couple of spoons of chai-spice or tea-masala that i always have in my spice rack, along with a spoon of vanilla extract and some powdered cardamom... (about 2 spoons of tea masala to a cup of all purpose flour should be fine, but you could reduce it if you want it milder) tea masala will be readily available anywhere indian spices are sold, but if you cant find it, try making your own chai-spice blend by taking some cinnamon, nutmeg,dry ginger,cardamom pods,cloves, a few black peppercorns and powdering them in a blender or spice grinder...

make small balls from the dough and place them on baking sheet. to get the small squares like above, take a fork and press on the dough ball, horizontally once and vertically once. or just make any shapes you want. give each one a small prick with a fork, and chill them in the fridge for at least half an hour so that they retain their shape while baking.

bake at 180C/350F for 15-20 mins till the bottoms and edges start to brown. remove from oven and allow to cool before eating, or taking pretty pictures :)

Monday, 22 October 2012

mundane monday - #2

a big hi and a thanks for stopping by ! hope you had a good weekend and a nice start to the week...

i'm posting the second of the mundane monday series today, and if you just stepped in here, you can read a little intro about it in last week's post...

this week's pic is one of my fridge magnets - i bought it on my first visit to san francisco, in 2008. SFO is such a beautiful city, and it was love at first sight for me. trust me, its one of those cities which immediately makes you want to find a place and move there right away :)

about the magnet - its a replica of san francisco's iconic trams or cable cars, as those who've visited there would no doubt know.
SFO's cable car (or street car or tram) was first established in 1873. today it is the only moving national monument in the world, and is a very popular tourist attraction. it will find a place in any movie or tv show set in san fran.

sometimes its surprising how something is so close by at hand and yet you overlook the obvious. this magnet has been on my fridge for 4 years now, and god knows how many times a day i open my fridge. only when i took this photo from up close, i realised i hadn't paid attention to the 'meet me at the st.francis' sign on it. i felt it must be having some significance, and immediately googled it up. i found this piece of info which said that it is a reference to the historic St.Francis hotel opened in 1904, which became the hub of the city's elite.

read more about SFO's cable cars here and here.

editing made to the photo : usual adjustments for brightness,contrast and saturation, and the 'warmify' effect in picasa.

have a nice week, and keep visiting !

From mundane monday

Tuesday, 16 October 2012

starting a new weekly series - 'mundane monday'

some months ago i started a weekly routine of taking a photo every monday. not that i dont take pics on other days, but to give myself a specific task, i decided on a 'mundane monday' theme. i decided that these would be photos to capture the everyday things that i see around me, around the house. no nature photos, no  outdoor locations. it is just an exercise that serves as a reminder of the fact that even the most mundane objects look beautiful when viewed from a different perspective.

and today, i realise i have reached 25 weeks of photos. there are some weeks left out in between when i have been travelling or sick, but there are 25 photos as of today, and i hope i shall be able to continue it for a long time to come. there have been weeks where i would have no clue of what i was going to photograph, till the evening, but somehow something would present itself before me and inspiration would spring from nowhere.

so far i have posted these pics on picasa web albums, but starting today i've decided that i will also post it on the blog here, with a link to the picasa web album.

today's picture is that of my measuring cups. i have used the 'focal b&w' option in picasa so that only the markings appear in colour, on the white cups.

see my previous photos of mundane mondays so far, on my picasa album here

#mundanemonday, measuring cup, photography

p.s : i realised i posted this on photo finish just as the clock struck 12, so it ended up becoming tuesday :)

Tuesday, 9 October 2012

finding the perfect handbag....

... is like finding the perfect man. not easy. why, you ask ?


this is why -

  • its going to stay with you for a long time, be of considerable importance in your life, and go with you to most places you go.
  • there is no standard, one-size-fits-all solution. 
  • you need a lot of patience and invest a lot of time before settling on one.
  • your choice is a reflection on your taste.
  • has to be functional and do its job well, yet look good enough to flaunt around in public.
  • must be strong enough to handle pressure and abuse well.
  • must have easy access when you need your money quickly.
  • must be easy to maintain.
  • must hold your secrets well.
  • should be flexible enough to adapt, because your needs and preferences will change with time.
  • the right one should make other girls envious, but it shouldn't be easy for them to find a similar one :)

handbag, purse, handbag is like man,