Wednesday, 5 September 2012

Wiki Loves Monuments 2012


if you love any, or all of the above, then this news should be music to your ears !

Wikipedia has announced the "Wiki Loves Monuments" contest, for September 2012. The aim is to create a repository of images (that are free to access, share and use) of monuments from around the world.

Anyone can login to wiki and post images of the monuments listed from the participating countries throughout september 2012. the images can be those taken anytime, but have to be uploaded to wiki in september. photos should be the own work of the uploader, un-watermarked, and should be released under a creative commons license.

there are country level prizes, and nominations from each country will be eligible to compete for the international contest. the contest of course has various prizes at the national and international levels, but personally, i think the bigger incentive is to showcase a part of your heritage and make it freely available for all the world to see.

the list of monuments in the US is based on the national register of historic places.

the list of monuments in India is based on the list by the Archaeological Survey of India.

for the full list of participating countries, see here , or in the sidebar here  .

so, get clicking before the month runs out !

wiki loves monuments 2012 heritage photo contest history culture

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