Monday, 29 July 2013

mundane monday - # 23

this week's pic is one from the archives, taken around the same time last year. i had been taking the monday pics intermittently since march-apr last year, but started posting them on the blog only much later. this is one of those from last year's album...

tennis ball
From mundane monday

as a bonus, here's a pic of some lovely vintage tennis ball cans that i found online on flickr -

Vintage cans of tennis balls

1 comment:

  1. This reminds me of a rabbit-lion story I read in my just after nappy days.

    Lion harassing the animal kingdom... rabbit hatches a conspiracy... takes the lion to the well, lion sees its own reflection and then the lion falls :)

    The reflected image is not so faux of the original one. It is as good as the original.. you could see the fibrous serrations so real..
