Thursday, 19 March 2015

TBT # 2 - mad as a march hare.

technically its supposed to be the first day of spring tomorrow, but the weather outside is anything but 'spring-ey', to say the least. who needs a snow warning on the first day of spring, seriously ? - utter madness is what it is.

which got me thinking about the phrase 'mad as a march hare'. apparently hares start behaving excitedly, jumping up and down, starting in march - which is the beginning of their breeding season. it has resulted in that phrase which has become so popular ever since lewis carrol used it in alice in wonderland (along with the 'mad hatter' ).

below is the illustration made in 1865 for alice in wonderland, by john tenniel. it shows alice at the tea party, with the march hare and mad hatter.

image source - wikimedia commons 

well, even though the weather might seem as mad as the hares now, spring always brings with it a sense of new beginnings, of hope... its definitely a heartening sight to see the empty branches start sprouting leaves, to see buds and blooms make their way out after months of icy frost. to be able to remind oneself that there is so much of colour to look forward to in the world, and the bleak frosty days dont last for ever. 

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